Heavy Heart
Ooc. [WC: 491 | Pts: ]

The silver Delta's head raised and ears perked as Zalen hammered the nail on the head. Her eyes then drifted to Tharin who had obviously come to speak on the same subject. It seems Shadow has been causing worries in other pack members other than herself. Poor Shadow though. His pack needed to be here for him until he was able to get through it. Fayne wasn't about to let him drive himself into insanity and do something stupid, she needed to catch this early like a cold. Fayne was about to open her mouth to speak, but Tharin beat her to the punch saying what he needed to about their obsidian pack brother. The silver she-wolf's eyes narrowed in a somber glare upon Tharin. He wanted her to help them? She couldn't imagine that he'd want to be part of it, killing someone that at one point was dear to him. Fayne had different view on the situation.

Turning away from Tharin she poke, her voice serious. The other day I had to stop him from killing himself, he almost died right before me. Shadow is under a considerable amount of distress, losing his mate is only part of it. He also had to deal with all of us hunting down an old friend. She took a breath. Zalen, he is under the impression that you're going to kill him for thinking of Amy the way he does. He was already saying his goodbyes, to me and others who care for him. Fayne's face displayed what she felt on the subject, she was worried and sorrowful for Shadow and all that he was feeling. She glanced at Tharin for a moment before speaking again. I don't think he should have to help us hunt Amy. He needs time to get through this. He told me he knows what has to be done and I'm sure he won't stop us.

This was important to her. She was the one who had been there with him, seen him pour his guts out about everything. The mental pain he felt was causing him to physically harm himself. Shadow is a mess right now, the wolf needs time to heal. I think you talking to him would be best for him. Tell him that so long as he doesn't make a move to stop us, that he'll be fine. He needs his family right now. Fayne knew that Shadow felt alone, as if his whole pack was against him just like they are against Amy. She knew that feeling just as well as he did and she understood that Amy was made the way she was, but it was no excuse for the things she's done and the crims she has yet to commit. Fayne's gaze didn't leave Zalen, searching him for an answer. Hopefully he would understand.

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