left too late.
Omg these two. BFFs4L
[/html]When Vesper gave her that sideways smile, Tayui realized that she was referring to herself. It made sense: after all, Vesper did have a bit of a coyote look, but she also moved and acted like a wolf in ways Tayui couldn't quite explain. Of course, given her extensive scarring and her missing ear, Tayui could believe that someone might think that she was completely coyote. Tayui always found the ears most telling in terms of appearance.

Tayui didn't want to agree with Vesper when she pointed out that Anu shouldn't have to deal with them, but she was likely right. Even if Tayui had joined Inferni out of her own obsession with the clan, she would have never been accepted there, no matter how many members she knew. It had been a stupid thought, but it had kept her afloat: the thought that the only place for her was restricted except under certain circumstances.

"I'd love to visit," she replied quickly. "I'm sure I'll get all of the good parts and none of the bad if I don't stay too long," she added, grinning. She didn't really believe it, but it was fun to pretend.

Tayui nuzzled Vesper in return, but paused long enough to add: "you'll have to show me some fighting skills when we're not busy being all mushy." She licked Vesper's cheek and grinned even more widely. [html]

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