A cool breeze, a hot heart
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I'm alive
Take a look into my eyes
This time I'ma take you for a ride
I'm invincible tonight!
WC :: +00 OOC ::

Aeron still felt bad from when Wrait and Val came all the way to Anathema. She wanted to go and see wraith at the very least not like any of the times she had gone she had seen her. She always seemed to run into members she didn't know or didn't care for. She haad left Inferni thought of going home and now well now it was all to late wasn't it.

She had slowly made her way through the mountain's forest and the golden coyote couldn't help but sigh. She was so sorry for the way things were going with her family and her daughter was angry and Pride seemed to be going her own way too. Though Aeron still worked to groom the child to take over for her one day. She just didn't know what she was doing.

Aeron moved slower as she smelt a scent that was wafting near her. She wondered why one of the infernian Coyotes were out this far. Normally she found them much closer to home then out here. But maybe food a scarce for them or this member was a little bored with all the day to day grind. She smiled as she looked up to her crow then back.

the coy female moved on she would soon come face to face with the other. Not that it mattered to her much. She felt her cloak russle a bit. Wafting the scent of blood from her clothing to her nose. Oh that was so sad. The smell just made her itch to kill someone. Maybe this poor fool could be a better toy then the fox she had killed.

Believe me
You've never met another one like me
Bet you've never seen the things that I've seen

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


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