petrology smitten
*snags this since no one else wants it.*
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_____It was hard to sleep knowing what was going on in the collective world around her. Talitha was prisoner in some pack that wasn't that far off, and not too far off from there she had to try and rest knowing that she had a father and a brother and a friend suffering from something she couldn't put her finger on. Upon returning to Inferni after meeting Rachias for the first time, Corona had poured over what books she carried, trying figure out what all of their symptoms added up to. Though humans were much different compared to what they were, she wanted to believe it was something common between both of them. Whatever it was, it was more severe than just a cold.

_____Beneath the shade of the trees as the moon had started its low arc in the sky, she was moving leisurely across the territory. The rains from days prior had washed away the blood where all of the fighting had taken place, but in her mind she could still recall the place. There was a prisoner in one of the sheds and for the most part, they were keeping her fed and dry. Corona only hoped that Dahlia de Mai was doing the same thing for Talitha, but who knew; she didn't think about it that much, sure that Gabriel had already gone over everything himself.

_____And as it were, it turned out that she wasn't alone in the immediate area. Another voice, garbled sounds, Corona wasn't sure what was going on. At least until she had ventured down the pathway further and stumbled across what was a very confusing, if not slightly amusing show going on. The certain noises weren't lost on her, though it still prompted her to interrupt the coyote and rock duo and their courting session. “What… are you doing?” And why? Inferni had a history of taking in crazy when they found it, but Corona thought maybe this topped it off, and here people said that her mother was ten kinds of crazy…


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