Part of the Whole

Word Count: 5+, OOC: welcome buddy!

Shadow's mind was like a raging storm within him, is fire and spirit of being a warrior and an assassin mixed with the pain of loss of not only a little of pups but of Insomnia and soon his friend Amy was to much for those weak at heart to take. It look a powerful will to go on and not just end it in the quickest way possible. Shadow breathed calmly and he bounced as he punched the stone a couple more times and he had wraps around his hands as he worked on the immovable object. The rock was his pain and his soon to be lost friend, the rock was a symbol of what was, what is and it stopped him from moving forward. He had talked to many members of the pack and all of them seemed to worry about him, Tharin was iffy but that was Tharin and Fayne she of course was kind and she even stopped him from pushing the sword to his neck. He looked over to a tree, to his stuff placed at it's base and he then looked back to the stone and laid into it twice more. Pain was an illusion, pain didn't exist...pain was a lie and it only made one weak. Pain could be beaten back.

He had been training none stop since before and while and after he talked to the pack members and he kept at it. It had been days almost straight that he had been working on strengthening his muscles and his mind, his heart and his soul. He worked on making his pain threshold that much higher and he worked on focusing his anger and all that pain into this rock. Only if he could crack this boulder would he be ready to move on, to go through with life and search for other things. He was so focused on training that when he heard the heart felt howl to him he dropped his arms. He knew that howl it belonged to the one man, his ebony colored brother who he respected and the same brother who was going to be the one to kill Amy and make her pay for what she did. He almost lost all focus and a tear would threaten release but he slammed his fist into the boulder again and looked down for a second. His yellow and blue eyes slowly turned to look to his leader and Alpha and he fell to one knee and dropped his head and his tail followed and his right arm rested on his right knee cap.

"Hello....Zalen...It's an honor to see you after so much time has passed...Forgive me for my absence, as you can see I am hard at work on reclaiming my title as your Epsilon." Shadows head stayed down as he looked to the grass and dirt and he knew what Zalen was there for and he actually hoped that he wouldn't have to talk to this man, this brother that he loved dearly but who would strike a blow against him that would burn for life.


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