M - What Kind of Man am I?

Not a big deal, just aiming to please Wink Hehe

Word Count → 000

Her body was tensing and arching more and more with each assault on her pink flesh. Her hands looking for something to grab, and soon enough a hand found the back of him, fingers curled into his fur and began to pull on him roughly, a deep growl rumbled through him..it was primal and hungry to fill her. All his work was rewarded with so much liquid, he moan with the excitement of knowing he caused this. He wasn't done, but this time he didn't need to work as hard for his reward. He was eager for that third and final climax before he was ready to take her, but he was halted as she closed her legs and pushed his head away with her hands. His ears went back as he moved away as she pleaded for him to stop. She attempted to squirm in fear of him forcing his licks onto her. He chuckled amused, but with all the moans and whines from her, his member couldn't even stay in its shealth. He was more than ready to have her, "...oooh, you can't handle anymore of that?" his deep voice mocking a sad tone as he pulled her legs back apart bringing himself closer to her and lining himself up with her. The black and white man licked his lips, while his eyes focused solely on her. "Well...are you sure you can handle me then?" his deep sultry voice questioned her as his charming smile teased the corners of his lips.

Licking his muzzle one more time on arm came down above her shoulder, his forearm propping him up. His muzzle just an inch from hers. His eyes sought hers, looking deep into them. His breathing was being forced to be steady and quiet. She was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. And that was what ran through his mind as he hoped to keep her distracted with himself. Those three most meaningful words scanning across his mind while his hurtfully hard member found her opening. Within a split second of touching his hips pushed forward rough and hard, slamming himself into her, his deep growlish moan came out, eyes closing tightly. It was overwhelming tight in there but slid so easily with all the licking he'd done. "...my god, Sidra....you're so tight right now.." He sat himself up on his knees his hands again finding her lean waist. His eyes opened as he composed himself, he hadn't moved since thrusting into her. Once ready, his obsidian hands moved down her legs and brought them up onto his shoulders, then pushed his body forward. He remembered from last time how flexible she was. This was good...as it was his favorite position, and allowed him to hit her in that sweet spot that seemed to be equally pleasurable for both. A crooked grin found his features and Aro was more than ready to begin.

His body was nearly trembling from just sitting in her. Hands found the sandy beach, claws dug into the sand and he lets his hips move roughly. His thrusts hitting deep but still he searched for that deeper spot, and once he found it he let out a deep groan and his motions were uncontrolled. His speed was making him feel quite hot and the sun beating on his back wasn't helping. Still he endured it as the pleasure was just too much and with how rough and fast he was moving in and out of her he had to grab her shoulders to ensure he stayed where he wanted and didn't accidentally slide out of her. Sidra was very wet, and a few times he thought he was going to slide out and accidentally hit her in another hole. The moment he had a handle on her shoulders, his member went up a little higher in her hitting a spot that seemed to cause her to tense, and he knew right away it had to be the sweet spot. It was all so tight it was hard to tell, but she held him like a glove.

Aro was building so fast he knew he was going to release soon. His moans becoming straight growls and he pounded into her rougher and much more harder. Claws digging into her shoulders, but he was so lost in her body that he didn't realize it. Eyes were closed as his mind focused on every detail of her walls. His body was tensing more and more and his heart racing. Finally, he moved his hands to her waist and brought her off him just barely then with his thrust into her slammed her body back onto him, his body bending back and he let out another feral growl that nearly broke into a howl of pleasure as he shot into her, pulsing with each release of his seed. He wasn't done yet, but he was so sensitive he had to take a moment. The pleasure still washing over him in waves making his body shiver involuntarily. He wasn't sure if he could continue. His eyes opened slowly while he panted. His eyes looked down to her, looking for her gaze. He would continue only he he wasn't satisfied with her state.

Still..his member throbbed every so often. He had built himself too much with all his foreplay to her....

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