Exchanging of Rings

Charm Sawtooth,
Word Count :: 308 She just can't help it.

It might be a mistake
A mistake I'm makin'

But what you're giving I'm happy to be taking.

The lady looked up to the male from under her lashes; she had not on bit of idea what she was doing, or even how to stop it. After all how can one stop what they don’t know what they are doing. Oh the fits that Aeron would be having right now if she was around. Charm didn’t understand why she always got so upset with her. She loved Aeron more than words could ever say. Charm was only able to chalk it up that Aeron got jealous…easy and fast. ”Oh! Hello there Handsome Warrior.” The lady spoke in a singing tone of voice, chipper and happy. Much like her-self.

She watched the stranger move closer, she didn’t want them to be a strange air between the two of them, she moved in a step closer, the closer he moved to her, she moved that much closer into him. It was as if the two were standing with a tail flick of each other. ”Aro…Aro…Yes…Very fitting of a powerful man like your-self. Your pet, frist would be wasted kill if I did make the stupid, stupid idea to move to kill it. I could not use all that his body could offer. So the kill would be within a foolish vain. That and it’s a pet…That...No matter how starved someone is…is just…just…wrong!” Charm face twisted up in a sick expression. To take someone’s beloved pet away from them was like taking a child away from its mother and vice a versa. ”I’m Charm.” Her voice softened and almost whispered her name to the male. She batted her eyes a few more times as she watched the male, waiting to make him next move, she wouldn’t mind him a bit more closer, but she didn’t want to press the luck that was just given to her meeting this male.

Cause no one's ever made me feel
The way I feel when I'm in your arms.

template by revo. <3


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