Searching for Hospitality

Eric cursed under his breath when a lost tree branch knocked him over a few steps after he ventured out of the tree line. This really wasn't his day, it was clear that nature didn't want him going anywhere today. He grumbled to himself as he helped himself up. A screech from above froze him in his slow-moving tracks. A vulture, "If my day couldn't get worse, now the birds think I'm dead meat for them to scavenge." Eric mumbled to himself.
He decided to ignore the squawking bird and continued on his probably pointless journey forward, his feet creating a rhythm in his head that was his only sense of how far he'd gone. He stopped every minute or so to attempt to flutter his eyes open to see his direction, only to be welcomed by the onslaught of pain from the attacking powder.
A short while after first hearing the vulture Eric heard another noise, but this sound belonged to another wolf, not a bird. Oh great, Eric thought, they've caught up. Although, he then stopped in thought. The voice belonged to a female, Eric let out a long sigh of relief. His ex-master only ever had male slaves, so she couldn't be here to do harm.
He hoped.
Eric decided to make a final attempt to open his eyes, with a blurred vision, he was quickly able to make out a figure standing further down the field. He closed his eyes before pain hit again. Well whoever it was, he need help of some kind, so Eric decided to move towards the wolf, tripping every now and then on lumps of soil or grass and swearing loudly every time he did.

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