a little inept
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The female had fallen into silence for the most part, keening observing the unknown female's behavior before proceeded with a step forward. Her childhood name as 'curious' proved itself well warranted again as she was compelled forward to further her investigation. Invasive though it was, instinctually she felt her right was reserved with an unknown so close to her Family's boundary line. To protect them was her ruling priority, even from one that appeared for the most part harmless. But she woman was not unkind and displayed this by humbly lowering her head and pausing to maintain a comfortable distance. Her senses could handle what remained of this inquisition.

When the female rose, she too took several steps back to maintain a distance but did not let her uniquely hued coat out of her sight. Seeing her posture relax, the Issor was more inclined to release the tension from her muscles in a similar fashion and let her tail sway in comfortable repose. Mentioning the hunt turned her attention back toward the way she came not in an effort to spy the elusive creature but to follow its path of escape. Not good at hunting? She turned back to the female with a puzzling expression pulling at her muzzle. Perhaps she was ill, so much so that her senses were not all prepared for the hunt? An unfortunate ailment to say the least, but she was doubtful that sickness was the cause based upon her own experiences.

"Would you like help?" the offer was made quietly with her ears still adjusting to the she-wolf's unfamiliar accent. "I was in the middle of a hunt myself," she continued. "Just along the outskirts of my pack until I came across your scent...and your prey. Perhaps you would like to find another, my friend?"

301 words.

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