Thank you, and good bye.

His eyes didn't leave hers as she made her accusation. What was he supposed to say? She was right. Far more so than she knew, because his lying now was only the most transparent, it was not the biggest lie he'd yet told, nor the most convincing or duplicitous. Rather, this lie was meant to absolve them all from what he needed to do, to distance himself from everyone who might be harmed by the action he was about to take. He would be killed, and they wouldn't hear of it, because he didn't belong here. But if he killed instead, then they would, because Skoll Axehand, the warrior legend, did belong, and he could never come back anyway.

"Why do you say that?" he asked. "What reason was needed to come here? Why is more needed to leave? I came on a whim, and left on a whim, a traveler who never stops long in one place. It is better to leave it at that, Iskata." He turned to leave. The hurt in her voice would come back to haunt him after his job was done with. After the fight, if he still lived, he could let all of this come crashing down on him like a wave, but right now lives hung in the balance, and even if he were to lose, he owed it to his comrades to give his very best. That meant feelings would have to wait.


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