The Fall of a Comrade
The secui form girl was caught in a garish bear hug. It looked like Adelle had rushed to hug her, but she was trapped, kept from striking out. Her head was pinned, unable to twist free. She struggled against the hybrid's frame, large paws pushing desperately as they tried to find grip. It just slipped, unable to escape. Blind rage and instinct was guiding her as she fought, wanting to escape. Adelle managed to get her teeth into some fur and tore at it, but only a few hairs came away.

The words only brought Adelle's rage into focus. No! He couldn't be gone. No tears came, too busy fighting what had already happened. Adelle slipped free at last, panting as she faced the hybrid. Hackles raised she turned her head, growling as Sebastian approached the body. He left quickly enough, but she still didn't like it. Turning back to Alyssum she stepped forwards, a challenge in her eyes. She wouldn't let her get away with disturbing Grandpa.

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