a little inept
[html]a wild mink has appeared! O:
A myriad of hushed footsteps, sound drowned out by mud that helped just as much as it threatened to hinder. It stuck to her paws, but Gal didn't mind. She'd never been much for routine hygiene, and really only bathed because she so enjoyed the water. And walking along now in the midst of her lesson, mentally repeating the main points of everything that she had been told - the wind, the sneaking, not being lazy - became a bit monotonous and would constantly give way to day dreams of rivers and fish. And in turn, the thought of food would force her scattered mind back to the present, occasionally with the slight shake of her head and brief moment of looking slightly startled. But she followed along, nevertheless.

It was not until the other spoke that she was shaken from her devoted recitation of the tidbits she'd already been told and her water fantasies to focus more wholly on the scent that they had been following. The petite wolf wandered right up to the edge of the recess, recognizing that it would not be impossible for her to fit in, and as it smelled strongly of the mink that they'd been following she assumed it would also make for an easier cat if it had a rather limited escape route blocked off by its predator! Perhaps she would even complete this hunt on her own! "I don't think it should be too hard for me to fit," Gal pointed out, only reiterating the obvious more so for her own benefit than the Issor's.

Upon being given the go ahead to enter without the immediate aid of the other Gal approached the recess, taking utmost caution as she went over a last round of the useful information she had been gathering since the beginning of this meeting, and with that her whole mind honed in on her task. The opening was plenty wide for Gal, and the height of it was not too much shorter than she so that she still maintained adequate maneuverability once inside, it felt an awful lot like entering a mother's den. She also noticed how much harder it was to keep entirely silent with fur brushing the ceiling and her feet on harder ground, but it would not dampen her spirit!

In the light that still trickled from the entrance the foreigner could just make out the outline of her victim, who seemed to be sleeping - or at least not moving much at all. With a planned motion she swept forward as quickly as possible, her aim possibly a little off in the dimmed lighting, and her jaws snapped on one of the thing's back legs, and she held on, dragging it back towards her to try and reposition her grip, however she was not quite quick enough as she released the leg it raced away - at a considerably slower pace - towards the exit where the Issor waited, and Gal was hot on the mink's heals!
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