You'll be safe with me
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ooc: Misunderstandings all around!

Fear had a scent and posture most could distinguish. More often than not the emotion resided in the eyes either behind walls of discipline or was plane for even the dim to see. But it had a look that reflected what was kept in the heart though its reasons and motivations were not easily seen. X’yrin determined by the circumstance the fear exhibited by Sira was due to the large female that stood in front of them, given her proximity to her hiding shrub. But there was doubt in the Issor’s eyes when the nameless strange assumed a more submissive posture without hesitation. And upon her dark face, the same expression as the golden she-wolf’s charge but for a whole different reason.

“Your mother?” X’yrin had every intention of inquiring further but fell silent out of courtesy to give the female a chance to speak. She received the explanation clearly enough, save for a few words that ran together in a seamless stream, her brows knotted skeptically, but otherwise gave no inclination that the tale was not believed. However, the Issor was troubled by the news that there were those that resided close to the borders and along the base of the mountain. The borders did not extend so far as to encompass the whole of the mountain but it was unsettling none the less to even entertain the inkling they were along the threshold of possible danger.

Lowering her head, the Alphess initiated a swift inspection to deem if the woman’s tale had merit. Her intentions were clear by her actions; sniff out the other scent to make certain it was only two. Had there been another, they their scent was sure to linger on her coat as well. Her execution was quickly, but thorough, beginning from the head down the length of her back, skirting around her rear then return to the head again. She smelled strongly of the local flora and of the wild, and true to her claim just one other. Presumably her mother.

Her eyes remained trained on the female but her posture reduced its rigidity for relaxed muscles and aggression visibly began to ebb away. “Are you in trouble, friend?” she asked, releasing the tension in her voice for softer tones. “If you believe your mother was harmed…” she left the ground open for further explanation to perhaps bring further clarity to the situation.

400 words.

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