A cool breeze, a hot heart

WC :: +268

OOC ::

So it seemed she was not going to play his game yet, she was having way to much fun with her own. Fair enough, he would play, he was a patient man. When she lifted herself a little higher and called herself third in command Helotes couldn’t help but laugh, Ah, and you are looking at the third in command of Inferni, so, forgive me if I am not impressed. Though, he was, slightly; at least he knew now this woman was not to be trifled with, lest he incur the wrath of a near neighbor.

She gave her name, Aeron Ganesa, and he had to admit he did not remember hearing it before. But, she was a coyote, and that meant she most likely had ties in Inferni, so when she asked why he hadn’t threatened her life he was a bit puzzled, Besides sneaking up on me and being a smart ass, you haven’t given me a reason to kill you, unless you know something I don’t? He raised an eyebrow at her quizzically; what a strange thing for her to say.

Aeron asked if he had given himself the tattoo or if it had been Kaena; a fair question, for it was Kaena who had marked nearly all the Inferni Lykoi’s, he of course being one of the few exceptions, No, my father, Kerberos, gave it to me upon my first shift, I did not live in Inferni then. He was glad his father had done it though, it was one of the few things from his childhood he could look back on with pride.

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