[p] to place you in a silver cage


Draugr is by Despi!

Draugr was a creature of winter -- born into the late summer, her first clear memories were of the leaves turning colors of fire and dropping from the trees. Winter-bared branches grasping upward toward the pale gray-white winter sky were her next set of memories during the long trek eastward. Snow and cold and ice followed that -- it was only this, her first true summer, she realized she was also a child of this season. Summer and its heat, along with winter and its ice, were both welcome to Draugr. The spring and fall in between, too, were seasons of wonder -- though Dra's attachment to those midways was not so strong as it was to either extreme.

Her eyes followed his gesture. Thankfully, he picked two common plants she was familiar with, and knew his answers to be correct. The hybrid smiled and nodded her head, though her ears pricked with sharper interest as he spoke of other plants. Their names were foreign to Draugr, and her pale eyes narrowed with thought as she considered them. Fennel, marigold, lemon, basil, rosemary? None were particularly familiar, though the names rosemary and marigold were vaguely familiar, perhaps mentioned by Odessa during one of their talks.

Half easy to get? she inquired. Can we get them around here? A faint excitement showed in her face, and the silvery tip of her tail wavered back and forth. It was her job, at least in part, to be aware of the stocks of the garden -- it was above and beyond her job to acquire things for the garden. All was in the name of improvement, and what she did to improve Salsola made her own standing better in the end.

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