You'll be safe with me


On this journey that you're making there'll be answers that you'll seek

Sequoia completely froze when X’yrin leaned her head in closer. Though her body was stiff her breathing was fast and ragged, showing the anxiety she was feeling. Anxiety, not because she thought she may be hurt, but because she feared for her mother’s safety. Every minute that she spent away from the den was another minute that someone could find her mother. In the state Willow was in, she would never be able to defend herself. As Sequoia was being checked over by the Issor she was scolding herself silently for venturing out of the cave in the first place.

When X’yrin pulled back Sequoia too pulled slightly away. Her gaze flicked nervously to the side of the mountain where she knew the cave was hidden. Very subtly she began to turn toward the mountain, anxious to leave these strangers and get back to her mother. One ear swiveled around to catch X’yrin’s words and she paused, thinking over her question. Was she in trouble? No, not really, but she could see why it would seem that way. To X’yrin it would seem that she and her mother were being chased, that they were always in danger. They were always in danger, but not because someone was after them.

Sequoia lifted her head so that X’yrin could see her shake it in a negative gesture. “No, not in trouble.” She backed up another half step and again turned her gaze to the Mountain. “I just.. I need to get back.” She paused then, waiting for a response. X’yrin wouldn’t have gotten a chance before the Jackal added her own insight to the situation. Sequoia’s gaze went to the small canine and then widened in horror. There was a man, a bad man, somewhere out here and he had been chasing Sira but now..

Sequoia raised herself up, her face drawn into an expression of sheer horror. “No.” She turned away from them and broke out into a run, headed for the cave.

It's you who'll climb the mountain. It's you who'll reach the peak.

332 / this is where the ooc goes

template by revo. <3


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