Searching for Hospitality
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Caution had kept the she-wolf at the ready, hackles raised and muscled tensed should she need to spring out of the way from deception masked beneath weakness. But without just cause it felt unnecessary to maintain. While training dictated never to look only at the surface but beyond, it was nigh impossible for her to see anything other than a pained wolf. His posture alone was enough to convince her. The male was wounded, hardly able to see. And from him emanated an atrocious odor that stung her nostrils by proximity alone. To keep herself wound tense like a spring would only have caused more harm than good if she truly sought to aid him, and to her word she had every intention and doing what she could.

When he was nearer, she reared up by her hind legs, keeping herself balanced to better have a look at his predicament. Moisture clung to his eyes, tears that failed in cleaning the ailment away. When asked for water, she shook her head out of reflex forgetting for a moment that this unfortunate soul was not able to see the action. “I am afraid I don’t…at least not with me,” she sighed softly then dropped down with a sound thud to all fours.

“Though,” a subtle inflexion of her voice conveyed there was hope, “There is a lake near here that I can guide you to. If you do not mind being led.” Bravely she stepped closer with her nose still quivering inquisitively. He had said what ailed him as chili powder… and yet she had never heard of everything of the like causing someone pain. “If the stinging is severe, perhaps I could lessen it before I take you there?” It was not as abundant as water to cleanse with, but perhaps a quick wash over his eyes would be enough to help him better see.

315 words.

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