You'll be safe with me
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Indeed confusion had given the quiet evening an adrenaline turn, but thankfully it had not lasted. Feeling more relaxed the Alpha folded her hind legs beneath her and again released a breath she had been holding. Perhaps now an introduction could be made without flashing teeth and bristled fur. Though necessary precautions, assuming that kind of disposition hardly suited her well. Regardless if damage had been done or not, it left her with an uncomfortable feeling. A feeling better left unexplored.

As Sequoia looked behind to observe her mother, X'yrin looked around her form to do something of the same. Less out of caution and more to appease her curious nature. Her own mother was hardly a memory she could recall. Were it not for the umber accents on her pasterns, she wouldn't have thought she came from another other than her father, as a pup, seeing how the two looked nearly identical in color. A bond with her mother did not exist, so seeing such concern from child to mother made her feel...oddly uncomfortable. Her tail twitched out of anxious habit but politely kept the gesture from calling attention. When the other's eyes turned to her again she regained her relaxed composure, drawing her ears forward in attention.

Rather than the younger female's voice, the soft tones of her mother came from the cave. Startled, X'yrin pushed herself from the ground to stand and took a few steps back, but only to be drawn forward again by the elder's faint voice. She looked to Sequoia for a moment then let her gaze drift pass to her mother as she addressed her. "I apologize for waking you," humbly, the Alpha dipped her head then let it rise to its full height as she introduced herself. "I am X'yrin, an Alpha of my Family- of Sangi'lak. Your daughter has told me that it is just the two of you here. May I ask why you two have chosen to stay here this close to our borders?" She kept her voice as quiet as possible in the hopes it would lessen the chance for another misunderstanding by her question.

357 words.

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