Who said the beach was peaceful?
OOC- First fight thread, I'll add that to my achievements Tongue Please tell me if I do anything wrong.

At last! Red Eyes thought, he had finally got the wolf worked up enough. He could almost feel the heat radiating from Tyko's rage. He felt pity for Abella, although he had used her actions to add to Tyko's anger, she was only trying to save her master from winding up in a fight.

Red Eyes turned his vision towards Tyko, but kept his head towards the sea. Tyko seem to have reached his limit of anger, and finally lashed out towards Red Eyes. Perfect Red Eyes thought, and arched his back to dodge the first blow. As the wind brushed past from Tyko's first strike, Red Eyes turned on his heels, straightened his back and grabbed Tyko's second blow with his hand, keeping one leg behind the other to hold the impact of the attack. He smiled at the angry male, "Little wild aren't you?" Red Eyes remarked, and curled in his fingers on the hand holding Tyko's to dig his sharp nails into the male's skin.

The months spent watching fights between other slaves, and taking part in the fights, had gifted Red Eyes a great skill in fighting. He had attempted to use his skills against his ex-master, Bear, and almost succeeded until Bear had used his sheer weight to crush Red Eyes and break several of his ribs.
Since then Red Eyes had practise and practise going against heavier wolves that used their weight as their advantage. He considered that Tyko might begin using his weight more in his strikes, and so was ready to combat against this if Tyko's wild attack style grew heavy.

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