[M] Stab yourself through the heart and bleed love

Life had really bad timing sometimes. Just as Keldava was starting to get a bit of confidence back and trust the world not to screw her over at every step her mother had entered the final stages of her pregnancy, causing the adolescent to go into palpitations of worry as she tried to figure out what was happening to her mother, at first she thought that Mahnaya was dying and even after it had been explained to her that the new pups were coming she was still worried out of her mind about the sheer amount of pain that she seemed to be going through.

Keldava grew more and more worried as time went on and Mahnaya became more and more angry; the timidness and fear of anger that she had been experiencing and thought she had mostly gotten over pulling itself to the surface. She hated seeing Mahnaya in pain like this and she hated that she was scared of her own mother, but despite how much she hated the situation she couldn’t fight against her own fears. By the time Mahnaya snapped at them to leave she was a nervous wreck and almost joined ‘Gina as her sister fled past her in a blur of black, racing for the door. She stopped when she noticed a flash of white moving not towards Mahnaya but away from her, ‘Rin.

Even as time seemed to slow down and she watched the events unfolding in slow motion Keldava, frozen in place, could hardly believe what was happening as Mahnaya snarled and swung her claws towards ‘Rin. It was only when the claws actually struck and the smell of ‘Rin’s blood filled the room, thick and pungeant, that she was shocked into action.

Suddenly the woman standing before her wasn’t her mother anymore, not her beloved Mahnaya. She was an attacked, someone who had wounded her sibling and was trying to so so even more. Snarling Keldava shot forwards and struck. Putting all that Mahnaya had taught her into action she swung a solid blow forwards, intercepting the snapping jaws with her fist. Keldava hissed in pain as the teeth hit her hand, flaying flesh from her fingers and the back of her hand but for the moment the pain was diluted and her vision odd, like she was a passenger in her own body.

Keldava wrapped her mauled arm around ‘Rin, trying to drag her brother back even as she sent a kick outwards, trying to drive off the snarling demon that seemed to have possessed her mother.

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