acts of revenge

Word Count → 454 :: For reference Keldava’s back scar is a runic letter ( ) surrounded by a chain. Obviously rough since it was done with Keldava struggling and whatnot.

Just a week ago Keldava had been a happy, outgoing girl, raring to go out and experience all that the world had to offer. Now she just wished that the world would leave her the hell alone. The youth was slumped miserably on a soft bed, shutters covering the windows casting the room into a dark shade in an attempt to drive the world outside away. She couldn’t lay normally on the bed because of her back and so instead lay face down, arms wrapped around the bed as though hugging it and face buried deep within the soft pillow.

The stench of blood, both fresh and stale, lingered around the room like an unwanted guest, constantly saturating Keldava’s nose. The wound on her back reopened seemingly at will, the deep wounds breaking their scabs at even slight movements. Combine this with nightmares which left Keldava thrashing about more often than not and you got a very slow healing process. Keldava had been keeping sullenly to herself for the left few days, practically having a panic attack at any foreign presence – even that of her family - and snapping anyone who approached away. Some enterprising soul had bandaged most of her wounds while she slept - and in afterthought she was fairly impressed that they had managed the bandage wrapping around her head to cover the gash above her eye without waking her – but her back was more complicated and attempts to do anything to it had been met with teeth, so the wound was so far uncovered, easily visible as a patch of blood soaked fur and scabs on her back.

A knock sounded on the door causing Keldava to groan and bury her head deeper into her pillow, hoping that whoever it was would go away and leave her alone, or think her not inside the house. Keldava had no such luck though and soon Skye’s voice sounded up through the window. For a moment Keldava was still but then she slowly began to move; as much as she wanted to she could hardly ignore the pack’s alpha when she called. Keldava let out a louder than she would have liked yelp when she sat up off the bed, tearing several sections of the cuts open again.

Slowly and unhappily Keldava made her way downstairs to where Skye waited, the scent of blood following her all the way to the door. The door was opened a fraction as Keldava nervously poked her muzzle outside, confirming that it was her cream coated leader standing outside the door before she opened it completely. ”W-what do you need Skye?” she asked politely, knowing full well what she wanted but trying in vain to delay it nonetheless.

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