Open doors

Word Count → 310 :: Out of Character text

One reddish ear flicked towards the tiger as he gave a little huff in acknowledgement. Hotaru was somewhat intrigued with the male, wondering why he chose to join a wolf pack when he was not even a canine. However, it was not her place to judge him. Hotaru hated it when others judged her based on her disability, so she tried her best not to judge others.

A frightened whine made Hotaru's ears strain forward. She could how terrified Dalgina was and tried her best to return a sympathetic whine. Hotaru knew she couldn't be her usual gruff self, as that would only cause Dalgina to become even more fearful. Ovidiu's comment only reenforced this idea. Grimly, Hotaru nodded again to the tiger. "Oh Dalgina."

The young mother wanted to return to her pups, but she couldn't leave the young female in such a state. Raising her head, the grey female gave a signal to Fawkes. "Go watch Aiden and Aysun with Kelia. Come back as soon as they are awake." Hotrau could hear the red tailed hawks familiar wing beats as Fawkes took off. When they had receded into the distance, Hotaru returned her attention to Dalgina. The pup was scared, and for good reason. The grey female decided it would be best to lay down and wait patiently for Dalgina to come to her. She closed her eyes, resting her head on her forepaws as her ears listened carefully to the black pup.

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