You'll be safe with me


On this journey that you're making there'll be answers that you'll seek

The mountain was the only home that Sequoia had ever known. She had grown up in its shadow, not even realizing how used to its presence she had grown. Now that they might be leaving it forever there was an empty feeling in her chest, like letting go of one so long loved. This mountain was her home, her family. Leaving it was the representation of all she had lost.

Willow, too, had spent the majority of her life at the base of the mountain. They had used it for shelter and for food, even when the weather was harsh. It would take time to adjust to a life not centered around it. In her old age, she didn’t have the time or the strength to make that kind of adjustment. Leaving the only home they had known would take a toll on both the wolves, both already so distressed from the breaking apart of their family and their pack.

Feelings of dread and confusion made the pair fall silent. Neither of them had a response for the alpha. They would not leave the mountain if they had the choice. In fact, they never would have left their old den. However, circumstance had not been kind to the two and again they would have to leave. Mother and daughter looked at one another, sharing the similar feelings that were painted in their eyes. Sequoia smiled reassuring and her mother returned the smile, both hoping that it would be okay after all.

After the exchange the pair turned back to X’yrin and, with surprise, saw the expression of guilt on her face. If she felt guilt at driving them away, there was no reason for it. They both understood the importance of protecting your family. But she must have seen the confusion and unease that had passed between the pair and realized their reluctance to leave the shelter of the mountain.

As the two were contemplating this, the guilt faded from X’yrin and she spoke again. The pair listened with interest at her offering and when she was finished Sequoia felt torn. On one hand, she did not trust this stranger and knew very little about her pack or her way of life. But on the other, the pack’s lands would be a lot safer than being out here in the open. While this internal struggle was occurring, her mother spoke and made the decision for them both. ”Thank you, Xyrin. I think a good night’s sleep would do us both well.”

It's you who'll climb the mountain. It's you who'll reach the peak.

426 / this is where the ooc goes

template by revo. <3


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