A cool breeze, a hot heart

WC :: +331

OOC ::

Helotes flicked an ear when she mentioned that the only reason he was third in command was because there was no one in the handful of ranks between him, Myrika and Vesper; was she trying to insult him? He wasn't sure, and so, he did not react to her statement at all. Instead, he became intrigued when she mentioned that she had once been the Hydra in Inferni. He wondered why he had never heard of or met her before, but his question was soon answered by her next sentence.

Like Sage, she had left Inferni for greener pastures it seemed, but just like Helotes’ anger towards Sage had faded to near nothing, he felt no animosity towards Aeron for her decision. He understood why it was considered traitorous to leave the clan, but many had done so and come back with no problem in the past; his ex-mate for example; though he wasn’t sure if Zana was to return again if she would be accepted as she had been before.

Helotes raised a hand and swatted at nothing in a gesture signifying the unimportance of Aeron’s speech, I know Ezekiel was like that, but now with Myrika as leader, I’m sure they won’t care. Sometimes you have to do what’s right for yourself, before the clan, and I’m certainly not one to blame you for that. He gave her a slightly cheesy grin, Besides, all the relationships in Inferni are so screwed and twisted that they are beyond recognition. He laughed then, not even knowing himself how true those words were.

Sliding up beside her, comfortable with her presence now, Helotes lowered his voice, I think it’s nice that you came to see your children, even if they despise you. I came out here looking for the mother of my young pups, but she’s abandoned us it seems. He smiled in spite of the nature of his words, I guess family comes first for only a few of us, eh?

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