Say it Once...Say it Twice
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She became a part of the stone, standing there with her palms grasping the rough edges for stability. Immobile but breathing, not so much as wavering to the testing winds as they rolled through the garden. Her mane was combed through by the wind, stray tresses tickling her nose causing the appendage to twitch, an attempt to break her concentration. But she held fast, reinforcing her control then let her mind drift as she retained her balance.

Her ears remained tuned to the sniffing and shuffling of her darling pup. His innocent inquisitive feats brought a delicate smile to her muzzle as she saw him going about the gardens without actually using her eyes. Rather she envisioned the path he was taking by the sounds of his steps and how far off the sounds of his sniffing came. It was nothing to the sensitivity of the little one, but it was an insight into ways she could customize her training for him. If she could experience a little of what he did she could build upon it and find a way to strengthen him.

But such thoughts were put on hold for a moment as another set of steps could be heard coupled by the distressed whines of her charge. Without knowing that they had closed, her eyes snapped open greeted first with a veil of autumn red then the grey stone as she looked at her balancing rock. The tone of voice told her all she needed to know of who had found her…and her pup. But the dread that had once gripped her was not there in the pup being found. Inevitably it would have happened. Why she went to great lengths to conceal him was lost to her now. It was…almost silly now that she thought about it.

X’yrin sighed softly as she released her tension, slowly bending her arms as her body descended and took care in lowering her feet to the ground making sure not to step on her charge. “Good afternoon Jaden,” again she sighed as the strain of her exercise gradually flowed from her body and regained a relaxed state. Growling softly to console her little one, she picked him up and pulled him protectively against her chest supporting him by one arm while the other remained freed by her side. For the first time in days she looked to her fellow leader, her eyes still clouded with the mist of heat, but clear enough to show there was still sense about her. Formally, she dipped her head as if all manner of casual greeting was taboo for them now. Even so, she found it difficult to keep her tail still.

“Zeus is mine,” the Issor quietly professed while offering the ‘pup’s’ name. “He was found injured and near death by a wolf of New Dawn. I took him and cared for him…and made him a part of our Family.” Against her chest she felt the pup shift with uncertainty and looked down to see his blind eyes looking to her for an explanation. Smiling though he could not see, she brought the side of her muzzle to his so that he could feel the expression on her face while whispering for his little ears. “This is Jaden, little one. He is the other Alpha of our Family…our Issum. You needn’t fear him…”

560 words.

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