Say it Once...Say it Twice



His friend set down her puppy and looked on to the gift. She did not move to take it right away and he saw the confusion born about her maw. His ears pulled back only slightly as he suddenly began to worry of her reaction. Peering down at the teeth and hide, she might see it as something Jaden wouldn’t acknowledge but felt selfishly within himself. If no love lived in her heart as he believed then she might have no desire to be reminded of all she had lost too. It would also be a mark of sorts for others to view as a connection for he had one just like it. A representation of his claiming of her that he couldn’t actually have.

All this fear might have shown on his face if not for the young wolf approaching him timidly. Jaden knelt down and offered his hand and scent gently while looking into the little one’s gaze. The eyes were clouded and the larger male instantly understood they didn’t function. X’yrin had adopted a blind pup into Sangi’lak. He felt his own thoughts a little dark on the matter for he assumed it a bad move for his friend. It was likely the pup wouldn’t last against any type of danger and his death would affect her negatively. Zeus sniffed at him a bit and licked his pads twice before turning his attention back to the rocks around them.

Jaden stood once again and regarded his friend and her questions. The same fear held fast in him when she asked for a reason for his gift. All he could do now was explain himself and admit that he still had feelings for her, like he had planned. I did make it but I am no artist, he smiled a little awkwardly at her, They are the teeth from the cougar we killed together, the same that scarred us. I made it as a reminder of that friendship we shared. I made it in hopes we can share something similar again. He acknowledged the decay of their relationship verbally for the first time and suddenly it was time to admit himself. Words fled his mind as he looked to her with the trouble blatant on his face. X’yrin… He took a breath, knowing full well that her rejection was what made this so difficult to admit. But he needed her to know so he could be sure of how she felt and move on. I still love you… His previously fortified voice wavered in admitting it and his eyes drifted from hers, unwilling to see the rejections he expected. and I’m sorry that I hurt you. But I hope that we can still have a friendship. One similar to what we once had. Slowly, his blue found her again. He could not dodge it forever.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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