[p] to place you in a silver cage

(312) Board hates you. Yup.

Draugr is by Despi!

Draugr nodded as the golden-hued slave spoke. Everything did seem to have some kind of healing property, from the tiniest pale flower to the bark of the largest trees. Some things were less healing and more poison, but even poison could heal, at times. Removing a toxic presence, for instance, was one way a poison might heal by killing. The wolfdog listened with increasingly rapt attention as Gale described the raspberries, her image of them shifting with each new detail, becoming closer to the real thing. Perhaps Draugr's version of raspberries was just a little too large for the real thing, but this, too, settled closer to reality as he picked up a pebble, which she presumed to be something akin to the real size.

I understand, she said, though not with any offense in her tone; it was simple affirmation of her apparent understanding. If they did not find raspberries, perhaps she might identify them outside of Salsola and bring them home. She'd have to ascertain whether they were actually raspberries first, of course, but Draugr was confident in her own abilities to recognize potential food. She wanted these raspberries, and she was determined to find them. I would like to find them, yes, she said.

I will be better liked in Salsola for this achievement, and I don't believe in leaving anyone, slaves included, unrewarded for good work. The same as Draugr valued slaves for their minds, she also thought perhaps the happiest laborer was one most productive. By rewarding a slave -- not overmuch, as to avoid inducing laziness or entitlement -- one was providing motivations for further good behavior, and sometimes it was easier to do this than use the whip and chain. Do you know where they are likely to grow? It seems the blueberries prefer the forest, but raspberries -- maybe coast, river, or marsh?

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