Whispers in the Moon
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Her Shepard would have been proud; high praised coming from the mouth that seemed played house to a wicked tongue. Though she knew that was only part of the whole, something more resided beyond that poisoned weapon. That much she was confident in from her experiences when they were pups. Same as his laugh, her smile was short-lived, overtaken b y the seriousness of the mood as he recalled that particular day's events from his own perspective. Yes she had been angry, but as a disciplined Exultare she should have been able to calm that internal rage instead of letting it control her. Giving into a passion like that...nothing good would come of it. Acknowledging his role in that scrap, she looked to him with eyes of understanding and gratitude. In all their bond was still intact and knowing so gave the Nomad considerable relief.

But still she reminded silent turning her eyes to the fire as he continued to voice his thoughts. They had yet to talk about what was learned about the other packs. How they felt about their Family and their aptitude for becoming potential allies. It weakness was the word used to describe them, then it was enough for the Alpha to go on. Truth be told she had not expected complete success but the teachings of her family kept her from falling into the trap of what her own eyes could see. When it came to judging character, she trusted the Lambda's eyes before her own for they could see better than hers the merit of those they sought. However, she would have been a blind follower if she did not ask for an explanation.

"To expect that any would be like you is ignorant. There are none that can match the Lambda, just as there is no equal to the Exultare, or the Evan'ules, or the Marecks, or the 'unspoken'." Taking the offered 'piece' she looked to the grid and the pieces that remained. "I am certain your Shepard would say that others outside of your family are weak by default. Only those that have trained with and endured your lessons would be able to show their strength in another form than retaliation. You go into this believing you know the game to be played when it is something different all together. A vulture that circles a feigning prey, so certain that it is dead when it is anything but. You must be willing to accept that the game...the prey is not what you are used to seeing it as. Learn and adapt to what is being played and then find its weakness."

439 words.

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