Everlasting Bonds (try 2)

Family. Duty. Honor.

Word Count→ 000 OOC: i really need to change what it says up here or risk ultimate embarrassment

The hurt in Kiara's eyes cut at him. He didn't want to hurt her. Not at all. He had wanted to fix things. Bring Kohaku back, make her smile again. Kiara was so important to him. His closest pack mate, the one he protected and cared for. They were family in a way. Not like a brother and sister. Or a mother and child, though she had just finished treating him like one. Their relationship was something...else. Not sure what, but Tharin knew he'd figure it out.

Growling a little Tharin nudged Kiara, eyes fierce. Don't apologize. It's that dog's fault, not yours. Nothing is your fault. You just protected your pups. That's what you should have done. She was simply more than was expected. The fact that she was a two legger lingered in Tharin's mind. That was the biggest difference. It allowed her to do things Tharin couldn't even dream of, out of reach.

Family comes first.

Image courtesy of Ben Clifford@Flickr, table by Stormie

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