Old Friends and New Skills
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She was not out of the complicated woods just yet despite the morning's events spelling something to the contrary. The conversation with her dear Nomad friend was still fresh on her mind to the point it was difficult for her to think anything other. For the most part, she was happy with how things had turned out between herself and Jaden; finally coming to a resolution about their petty issues and rekindling their love for each other. But with X'ies, her feelings were far from certain. She knew what she felt for him was not able to be described by words alone. The bond they shared was deeper than with any she had met on these still new lands. It had been formed as children, an imprint that would never be forgotten. But when had it changed to something more? Or rather, when had she noticed it within herself? It was a complicated question that would receive no simple answer, and it couldn't have come at a more disadvantageous time.

However, she would not let herself because some drawn into it that she neglected the elated mood the land seemed to undertake. Sangi'lak was flourishing, gradually, but the progress was there and she could not help but smile at what she beheld. Waking early that morning she partook in her personal routine compose of a stroll to the Rock Gardens with her pup charge and a rigorous set of training and exercise.

By the afternoon little Zeus was tuckered out after trying for the better part of the morning to catch his swift moving caretaker and decided to take a little nap by one of the stones under the sun. The Issor decided to lounge with him for a little while, taking the time to check his healing wounds and administering a light grooming over his matted fur. But by the time the little one was soundly sleeping, she was up again and ready to continue feeling the expend her pent up energy. Perhaps the only good that could be said to come from her heat was the overabundance of energy no doubt meant to be used for more...pleasurable activities. For the time, however, she was content to use this blessing and curse to strengthen her muscle and increase her endurance to withstand longer training.

Preparing for another set, she hastily combed back her lengthy mane and fixed it with an assortment of feathers and thin bones to hold it firmly whilst she continued. They had held up for the most part until she began her jog and then for the sake of keeping it out of her way, she stopped and decided instead on practicing flow and rhythm of movement. Before long she had fallen back into a familiar practice that would have gone on had she not heard the light footfalls coming closer. She whipped around and spied a familiar form. Her eyes were alight and tail swayed gleefully as she bound over to meet her beloved. "Good afternoon," she greeted softly, not ceasing her advance until her arms were around him and their bodies were drawn close. The fangs of her necklace were nearly tangled in his own but she was mindful to keep them from catching. Lifting her muzzle, she licked beneath his chin endearing. "What brings you here this afternoon?"

555 words.

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