Sharp Tempers

How DARE he?!

The aussie dog was completely baffled. He'd been fully aware that his taunting was clearly upsetting the coyote, but he figured the other would have at least a little more self-control. The punch proved otherwise. Harv was red with anger and shame... How could he have been so stupid as to allow himself to be struck like a child that had talked back, or a mutt who'd chewed the furniture? Was he being attacked for disobeying the order to leave? Or was he being punished for being there in the first place? Either way, it made no clear sense to the merle man, and he wasn't going to stand for it.

Seeing another fist fly forward from a mile away (thanks to alertness being literally knocked into him from the last blow), Harvey quickly dodged the strike, moving himself to try and lunge for the coyote (though, he didn't know what good it would do, but he at least hoped with his recent working out and muscle building that he'd have enough strength to at least cause the raging male to falter.

He wasn't going to run, that was for pups and females. For the cowardly who cares little about their reputation... Or the logical. Harvey dismissed the latter, though, and kept on with his plan to instead stay and fight.

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