under cover

This post sucks, sorry. :| Long day @ work.

Coyotes emerged from everywhere, fired up and ready for battle. Where the hell had they all come from? Dahlia de Mai's little ambush quickly became a bloodbath, a nightmare filled with gore. There was no turning back now. Alexey was about to help one of her pack mates when the fight took an unexpected turn: a coyote femme was headed her way, ready to pounce. For a moment, she stood there frozen in fear. Her lack of reaction could have been fatal if only Kol hadn't been there to bail her out of trouble. That was the wake up call she needed to get her ass in gear.

Lexey was all over her assailant in a flash, giving Kol enough time to stand up and regain her bearings. Perhaps size would give her an advantage in this fight. She was small and unshifted, battling a woman in Optime form. It was obvious that her opponent needed to somehow bend over in order to land a hit on her. The tawny wolfess snapped her jaws viciously, aiming for the other femme's most vulnerable point at the time, the legs. If she got a few good bites in, then perhaps the bitch would be temporarily crippled.

She was doing good, at least she thought so, until an arrow zipped by her. It missed her by a inch or so, coming close enough to send shivers up her spine. Fuckers. Not only did they have the whole shifting advantage, but they were using weapons too? Alexey's attention was still focused on her adversary, but she already knew the next few arrows coming her way were going to hurt like hell.


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