Let the horns howl

Out of character

Word Count → 000

The tuxedo man looked back his eyes finding his father's. The touch making him smile a little, concern for Neela still in his eyes. His oceanic eyes looked back to the collie woman listening as she spoke, "..I don't ignore the calls of family, especially the expecting.." His muzzle moved suggestively to her stomach. He then gave a disarming grin before she continued as the others had arrived. His mind reeled with her words and he became rather pensive. Eyes cast down.

Soon he looked up to her, "We definitely need to lure them out...and give them the message that this isn't a place to call home...let's not worry about what kind of kill, I'm sure anything we gut of substantial size should get them....but what is the plan for when they come? Are we to execute them all...or is the plan to just make them leave the lands? How far are we going to go with this?" Aro was all for getting rid of the cougars, he just felt that if they didn't need to kill all of them, then he wouldn't. Perhaps they would run the moment they saw them. Aro hadn't had to fight against a mountain lion before, so he didn't know what to expect. "...it might benefit us to stay out of the water...we don't want to announce our ambush..' Aro felt like he was just blabbing his mind, oh well...

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