Little Spy

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

Kohaku's pleased whine embarrassed Amy, turning away. Really, what kind of servant had she raised? His emotions were so soft and vulnerable. Amy had done her best to raise him to be strong, and here he was, soft as pudding. She'd have to teach him a lesson, make sure that he knew emotions were to be kept locked away. After all, it was through emotion that she was able to manipulate and control others. They were blatant tags telling her to use others. With Kohaku it had been useful, molding him just right, but now she needed to make sure that others weren't able to do the same.

Lifting her hand she dodged the nipping, a slight glare shot down at him. She wasn't interested in playing, she just wanted to find a comfortable spot to settle down and keep her pups safe until they were born. The time was near, Amy knew that, with only a week left. She'd been pregnant often enough to know the truth, even if they had all died on her. Kohaku was the closest she'd had to a child, raising him the best she could. Molding Bridget was of interest as well, of course, but nowhere near how close she and Kohaku was. She didn't live with Bridget after all. Shaking her head Amy looked ahead. We'll see. He'd have to do better next time. There was no choice for him.

Image courtesy of thefarthestshore@deviantART

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