
He had turned casually and looked at her and he had heard the sword hit the wood behind him and he looked to her still unaffected by her attempt at his life and he was not growling or acting any different towards her than he had when they first met. He looked to the sword and he reached up and grabbed her hand and the hilt and he slowly made her loosen her grip and then he pulled the sword away and laid it next to him and he looked forward still. He understood her way of thinking and that in him getting the symbol on his chest that in her eyes he had become what she hated. It was just her way but now she was gone the the symbol removed so she had no reason any longer."I understand that you did not like seeing me with the symbol on my chest Amy and I was a fool for getting it, you were right, I was in a since a slave but now not only is she gone but the mark is as well and I have no one else say for the pack so...Your words are silly and your bases for argument are now gone. I am not a slave and besides one cannot be a slave when they never followed the orders of the one giving them. That would be like saying you were a slave to the ones you traveled with. Besides Amy, you know that if any real threat were to come along both you and Kohaku would be no match for them in the state you are now, So like I did long ago when I owed you a favor I shall protect you both at least till the pups are born and then I shall leave, I do this for nothing and I want nothing from you." Shadow kept looking forward and he took in a slow breath. Had his words about her being a slave to the ones she traveled with just him making a point or were they planted there to have her think on her own actions, the answer for that was both and none, Shadow wasn't bothering with trying to make Amy see his way like he had done in the past, he was merely talking and she could take what she wanted from it. The simple fact of the matter was that Shadow was here to spend time with her because he knew and he felt that in the near future his pack would eventually find her and the justice they wanted was nothing short of blood and her death and end...he needed to see her, to see her before she was taken from him.


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