Sharp Tempers
Yelps broke from the dog as his teeth tore through flesh. Yes, blood was in the air now, he could smell it. It drove the violent coyote forwards, tail swaying. He wasn't a killer, but he had been trained to react violently in a fight, trained to take another down no matter the cost. Even if that cost was his life. The arms raised, Raoth following after him. He had been quick to return to his feet, hating that he had been knocked over for even a second. He was going to take him down!

Raoth followed after hard and fast, refusing to allow the dog to take the space that he so clearly wanted. Raoth could win right now, could take the lead. Fists flew hard and heavy through the air, moving to strike and immobilize. At this close range Raoth was taking the lead, his small frame making it easy for hi to dance around. He was no longer biting, instead using his fists to talk. There was little patience in him for someone who decided to fight with the temperamental male.

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