Trekking East
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ooc: Smile No worries

Her thoughts were where they had been since the beginning of her venture; dwelling in the past on such a cliché instance. When life was simpler when compared to the other cultures of these lands, and she was young, bonded and very much glad for it.

She could not help but wonder though, had she never left what would her future have been? Would she still learn of love and its complications? Would the bond between herself and X'ies flourished into something monumental for the pack? Would her father have been proud to see his seedling blossom with wonderful fruit? The possibilities went on as long as she thought about it. They teased her, they hurt her, but they were the creations of her own mind and she had none but herself to blame.

They were kind of a punishment really, to force her to reflect on what she had chosen and what she had forsaken. It was unfair that the Ancestors would do this; guide her down this dramatic path. Had she never left, they could have been... something more exceeding the limitations provided by the bond of friends. Perhaps by now she would have had offspring to nurture, to teach as the new family Shepard with someone she cared for beside her. It was senseless to think about it now. Better her thoughts were spent on trying to excavate the items requested by her friend...her vulture.

The wind was favorable to the hidden wolf, who incidentally took the female by surprise as he emerged from the ruins on the roadside. She paused immediately, her hackles raised beneath her long autumn mane but her body was tensed to exhibit her wary. Her tail became straight and bristled as her ears folded back against her skull. From a distance she observed the lone male, small by her standards but not unappealing to the eye. He had the physique of one well-fed and able, but in that praise came a caution to mind, that should he be able, he would also be dangerous. X'yrin remained where she was, even after the male offered a greeting gesture. "Am I in your path?" she inquired, gesturing with a tip of her muzzle to the road.

372 words.

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