Who said the beach was peaceful?
The fight was fast moving, tiring his opponent was getting harder. Tyko's lashing, wild style of fighting was amusing, but didn't appear to tire him as much. Tyko quickly trusted his free hand towards Red Eyes, and released his other from Red Eyes' grip, but doing so only made bigger scratches from his claws.
Red Eyes pushed away the wolf's blow, lifting his forearm and pushing it to the side. Tyko returned using a strange technique, lashing his fists out three times from the side. A similar technique was used by other slaves; it was a quick move that could be used continuously against an enemy.

Red Eyes dodge to the side away from the first and while stepping forward, he blocked the third blow and lashed his foot out towards Tyko's closest leg. Doing this properly should do some deep damage and pain to an opponent’s leg, but also meant Red Eyes would be left closer to the foe, and vulnerable for an attack on his body or face. As long as the kick dealt enough damage to Tyko, to surprise him or make him stutter for a moment, Red Eyes could recover back to his original, defensive position.

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