spiral staircase straight through the gates of..
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        He watched the male as he groomed himself so neatly, carefully removing the blood from his coat. Ears twitched forward at his answer. So it was true, the title of de le Poer attached to the stranger was not a coincidence—he and Gabriel were related through their father's. It made perfect sense he'd so easily become so close to Inferni's doggish leader when they shared similar blood. Blood was a strong tie, this the Lykoi knew, though even such ties wouldn't prevent him from killing a creature. He'd murder his own blood without remorse if it came to it. But his blood was beautiful, and he knew it. Smirk graced his lips at Anselm's comment. So this beast knew far more about him than the average stranger should. He'd been snooping around obviously, picking up little things and rumors to build the bigger picture. No words were spoken, but Samael's expression had become malicious and horribly amused. "What a good little spy," he uttered finally, muzzle crinkling with a silent laugh.

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