Blood on my hands
So, so sorry for such a long delay. I figured with your arm healing up you wouldn't mind too much though.
wc 375

The femme's head nodded as he responded to her question. It certainly was easy to recognize a problem in someone else that you yourself held. She wondered what weights this male carried upon his shoulders. So many things weighed on her right now: her uncontrollable anger, protecting Naniko, the encounter with Conri, what she had found out about Kansas. All these things constantly nagging at her. So what was troubling her? So many answers for such a simple question. Savina reached out one hand in front of her face, examining the pads as she thought of how to answer. Maybe if she explained her rage this stranger might have an answer as how to control it?

"The other night a male that had committed a heinous crime to one of our members came back to our packlands." The ebony girl didn't mention names. Names weren't important, the problem she had was. "I was so full of anger and hatred towards him for what he had done. I lost control of myself. I attacked him, tore at him with my teeth and claws. I almost killed him, but I just couldn't. He deserved it, yet he knew that as well. He didn't fight back, I don't understand why he didn't fight back..." That fact greatly bothered the two year old. When she had thought about facing him before, he was a madman, someone who didn't feel remorse, who would fight against her. But he hadn't. She felt like she was a monster, attacking someone who wouldn't even defend themself. "Its happened to me before, the losing control of myself. Its like...once I get angry I become some sort of monster. That does things that I would never do."

He probably thought that she was crazy. It certainly sounded crazy. Like someone trying to make weak excuses for why they did the things that they have. It was true though. When those things happened, she wasn't herself. The thought that scared her most was that she could turn on those she loved if provoked. What if Naniko made her mad? Would the monster take over and hurt her as well? Savina couldn't allow that. She wouldn't put her friends in harms way. But what could she do?


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