When the Souls of Shadows Reunite.

WC:^^ 600+

Shadow was about to make his move when she instead walked around him and he heard bones and movement and then he heard the water. He stayed un moving letting his mind wonder over everything good that they had shared in the past and then a Sirens voice came from the water, calling to him and wanting him to join her in the water. If she truly was a Siren and him going to the water would be his doom......he would welcome it.

His eyes slowly opened as they took in the setting sun and then he saw her. The water beating against her was beautiful in the light of the setting sun and the sky was becoming orange and red and all sorts of colors, it was as if the sky was changing with the feeling of Shadows soul and heart. He closed his mouth and he continued to watch her.

His eyes slowly scanned her every muscle, her every curve and her hair. He slowly shifted and he sat up a little as he stayed laying on the beach and he was taken away. There was no pack at this moment, just them and the setting sun, soon to be night and he wanted to enjoy the sight with her.

Shadow slowly stood and did not make a noise as he moved slowly into the water. Both had no clothes, no weapons no nothing but the need to share one another's time. Without making a sound he got closer and closer and then slowly his arms were felt rubbing along her side as they slowly came to wrap around her waist and hold her to him. He looked at the sun set and smiled and then he rested his chin on her shoulder as he closed his eyes letting his senses feel her close to him.

Her fur like his was soft and both of them were as dark as night, two shadows made whole brought together by the setting sun. He kept his arms around her as he slowly opened his eyes and he watched the sun move slowly down as it went to rest and let the moon have a chance to give light to the creatures of the night, and to give the wolves something to howl at. He smiled as he looked to it and finally after what seemed like forever he spoke.

"It's beautiful...and I'm glad that I have you here to share it with...I have been through a lot while we have been apart and I know you have as well....Thank you Thana...For everything...for being there for me and for helping me smile again.."Shadow wanted to say he loved her but he was still slightly afraid of everything and nothing. He had been hurt so much in so little time that to put himself in that situation again, to open himself up to someone was worrisome but there was something he could say...

"I care a lot about you Thana....I was lost and I had thought that I had found love and I already had a beautiful girl in my life, she was my best friend and we did everything together...if I could I would take it all back and start again and I would have never left....I...." He tried to say it but he couldn't so instead of saying it he nuzzled her neck and nipped it lightly as he closed his eyes and hugged her really tight from behind as the sun finally set and gave way to the starts and to the moon.

He said nothing for a while as he rested his chin close to her neck while he breathed deeply her scent and he smiled big and then he thought about what she said after knocking him down. "I have not grown soft.....I've just grown more fur...."He chuckled lightly and squeezed a little more and he lightly rocked them to a silent tune that was there hearts beating.


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