Searching for Hospitality
OCC- Don't know if you want to continue, but I don't mind my character doing some labour in exchange for X'yrin's help.

As they slowly travelled over to the lake, Eric took care not to trip up again, he couldn't take anymore embarrassment. He could tell that the lake was getting closer; the rushing of the water rushed in his ears, and the muddy smell of moist dirt was clear and strong.

Soon enough, they reached the lake's edge. The stones and pebbles pressed at Eric's feet, and he could feel the water's damp effect on them. The female said that her family called the lake "Adairto'K", and clearly admired the nature around here. Eric had never really had time to admire nature, he found it to be a good source of cover and rest, but as far as beauty went, it never crossed his mind. The blurred lake in his vision looked like a light blue blob, but perhaps to the she-wolf it was a beautiful blue blob.

Eric tossed away all thought of pride and literally dived into the shallow pool. He dipped his muzzle in and tasted the water, it felt clean and fresh. And probably irresistible for the female, after having a large taste of the chilli powder. Eric felt as if it was his job to repay her for helping him, by either helping her in some way now, but by promising his help in the future. Eric quickly dunked his head into the lake and opened his eyes fully. He brushed around them with his now-clean hands, and soon enough he felt the sting of the powder ease away. There was a trickle of pain left, but after a day it would also ease away.

He slowly lifted his head out of the water, and turned with full vision to view his helper. She had brown-orange fur of different tones, and her optime form her mane was long and red in colour. He smiled at her, "Thank you, I will remember the help you've given me today." He paused to think, "My name is Eric, and I owe you a favour, if I cannot be of help to you now, then I promise you a debt for when you need it."

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