Meeting of Kin


The female Knight was still learning the ropes of the pack lands, she was use to staying up till whatever hours, doing just as she pleased, however that has changed. She was going to please her father, and please her-self and the pay her respect to the gods and goddess of parting. The pretty lady knew that the Gods would wait for her to be ready to return, she was feeling that itch! It was bad! The lady was going to make a trip down to Halifax today and maybe snag Aro to go with her; however there was a call from the black father/leader. Now the child had been out of the pack lands and reported to none for the biggest part of her life, while hearing the call the child raised her red ears and moved to where she had heard the call from. Her hand placed upon the cool door, as she stood there. Her heart was swilling around of mixed emotions, about entering into a room that she knew for the most part was off limits. Pushing the doors open the green eyes looked at her father, then to her younger brother Tony, and then to her littler mate, Aro.

The female was lost as to what the meeting was called for. Finding chair the lillith female pulled it out with a sleep yawn, sitting down, pulling her feet up under her sitting crisscross in the chair, leaning forwards she flopped her arms out on the table and then pulled them back to her crossing them also, as she laid her head down, her long crimson and cream hair feel down the side of her arm as she watched her father. The very regal man that Jazper was, she found her-self transfixed upon the sun tattoo that was circling his eye.

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