Sharp Tempers

If it had been any different time (most likely in the past), Harvey would have taken full advantage to the other's apparent need to rest. But now, as weak and emotional distressed as he was, the red merle australian shepherd just couldn't find it in him to even care. The though was absent from his tired mind, and all he cared for now was to get back home, wash up, eat, and get a long night's rest in his nice, warm bed...

A soft whimper escaped him again, involuntarily (as was obvious when he glanced about in an embarrassed fashion, feeling even more childish by the sound) as he stood straight, shaking his head. Get... Uhm... He huffed, not looking at the coyote as he spoke, Maybe a stream... T' clean ya off, mate. Cold should... 'Elp wif the soreness, too... His words were mumbled as he started off, nothing much on his agenda now but to get away... Get back to Halifax, and forget the feud had ever happened. Run away from his past as he has been the last year.

There were no hard feelings, and he by no means even felt the need to spread the tale. In fact, he figured the less people that knew about the ordeal, the better.

With that, he left the mute alone.

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