When the Souls of Shadows Reunite.
WC: 400+

Shadow smiled as she said those words about about him knowing what she wanted and he kissed her cheek and then her lips once more in a deeper more meaningful kiss. " Why don't you just tell me what you want....for we both want the same thing...My love...I would love to have pups with you, I would love to have a family, I would love to have you in my life forever more and I would love to have your love. Simply put, I love you and have always loved you and let us never be alone ever again, let us be together and let nothing separate us. If a mountain separated me from you I would clime it...If an ocean, I would swim it, If a canyon, I would jump it."

Shadow stopped as he held her close and he kissed her again even more fire in it and then he thought about what one did to claim one as there other half, as there love for like and he leaned in and he placed his teeth on her neck and he bit down until just a little of her blood could be tasted and then he offered his neck to her. " Blood for blood, soul for soul, pain for pain and life for life. Let us stand together as lovers and as one shadow. The words at the end were ones that assassins would use when one male and one female had fought were equal and were in love, it meant that by the sharing of ones blood that they were forever destined to be one and that even in death they would be together.

Shadow closed his eyes and waited and wanted her to bite him and to make him hers. It was more than just an assassin thing of course. It was a wolf thing and a lovers thing. He truly did want to be with her and he wanted all that pain he felt to be gone and replaced by only good. Thana....I know that you have been through a lot and the same could be said for me. I want something good in my life...something great, I want happiness and love and I want to know that the one I love would never look for love anywhere else even if I were to die...I know you are that woman...that angel. I blabbing but it's because I have never loved someone like I love you....you have always been the one..."

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