Calm before the storm
She drifted still though, her perfect serenity marred only slightly by the coming of the night and the loss of her bath of sunshine. Brown ears twitched as the door to her house opened and the woman knew who it was before the young black girl even spoke, her scent teasing the older female's senses. She turned with a welcoming smile and a beckoning hand as Dalgina spoke her cherished title,

"Come. Sit with me daughter of mine." Her love and devotion was obvious for all but the blind to see and those who could not see would hear it in her voice even if they had no understanding of the words she spoke, Jace loved her daughter, loved all her children, with every last fiber that made her up. Her eyes caught the sparkle of emerald that graced Dalgina's elegant neck and she peered closer, interested in the piece of finery, her own reclaimed necklaces of bone and rawhide seemingly dull in comparison but held a priceless weight of memories,

"Such a beautiful necklace you wear Dalgina. Where did you find it?"

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