Blood on my hands

Yeah, it's getting there. I imagine it'll be kinda crummy for awhile, but it's definitely much better than it was the first couple of days already, which is plenty for me to work with. >_>

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth--maybe it left everyone blind and bleeding, but it was essentially how he functioned. They lived in a lawless town and if the friends and family of victims didn't seek retribution, everything would descend into chaos. There were few criminals, though, that he thought deserved a death sentence--murderers, repeated rapists, traitors. Certainly, though, plenty of other felonies worthy a good beating. He didn't know who Conri was or what he had done, but he wasn't about to ask. If he had known, he'd find Savina's reaction completely acceptable.
"Eh? You certainly don't seem mentally unstable," he remarked matter-of-factly. Nobody with a modicum of self-control ought to be concerned about things like these, he thought. "It sounds like this guy had it coming to him. If someone you care about gives you that good of a reason to be ticked off, they probably need some sense beaten into them." He shrugged a little. To him, though, fighting was just another part of life. He sparred regularly with one of his closest friends and relatives, after all. His own parents had given quite a bit of "tough love" growing up, until they realised that Anselm would fight back. It didn't mean they hated each other or didn't care--it was more of a "get over yourself" or a "oh, you fucked up BIG this time!" thing.
"Ultimately, you know yourself better than I do. You don't think you'll do it? Then listen to that part of you. Repeat it over and over again until it sticks. If you're really that worried about it, just tell yourself to walk away from situations like those. If you can't, you'll know you're justified in fighting. If you can, you'll be able to reflect on it and maybe figure out an alternative route." All he figured was that she really shouldn't be afraid of herself in a world like this one--he couldn't imagine that sort of thinking. There were plenty of better things to worry about--bears, cougars, other wolves. Never himself. At least he had that, he decided.

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