Intimidating and foreign
Word Count :: 238

Up early, posting!

Thorn was intrigued by the hip nibbling young one. He cocked his black tipped head momentarily, unabashedly staring for a moment before returning to the present. Did horses bite? Should he be worried? Trying to not stare he returned his attention to the male, who shook his hand firm but friendly and introduced himself. "Does anyone call you Inky?" The grin appeared and it was everything he could do to keep from waggling his eyebrows. This was by no means flirting, he barely knew the guy but Thorn was naturally friendly and playful. Tail wagging quietly, he nodded as Ink rambled and let a smile slowly creep onto his face. This was a nice guy who really liked his horses and it showed in everything he did.

Ah, someone had noticed that he hadn't been wandering around Jordheim like a new member normally would. Wolves can't blush, thank the gods. Reaching his hand out to the foal he let out a little sigh, he'd be caught. Crouched down he glanced at Ink before straightening himself out. "Keeping to myself, organizing m'home. Going to start a brewery soon, so there's planning." There was a little lie niggling in his mind and he smiled, "and not used to social tings, need to work up to it. Just Thorn having Thorn time." He didn't want to change the subject but this Ink creature seemed interesting, "what 'bout you? You're new too…"

Photo courtesy of fatedsnowfox

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