This road we walk, we walk together
OOC: well hi. Been gone for four weeks and the leaders leave. There's a lesson to be learned from that. Just don't know what it is yet. In my defense, all of you are thinking it too. Yes, you know what I mean. Sorry if you think it's too long. Felt like making up for being gone.

Lukos grumbled in his dreams as he snoozed on his floor. He started kicking the air, dreaming about chasing a white-tailed deer. "Hehe, I got you now...". He mumbled. A howl that rang thorough the territory woke him with a jolt. "Ack!-W-what's going on?". mmmmmethinks someone's calling.. He shifted over to Optime form, stretching at the end. He stood up on groggy feet, threatening to fall over at the slightest imbalance of weight. Alright let's go see what...wait, who howled? He thought about the call that woke him. He heard both Alaki and Naniko howl before, and this current howl sounded like neither of them, yet it had the same tone of authority. Nothing bad happened, right? I need to socialize more. Can't stand not knowing what's going on.

He sped down the path, hoping he wasn't too late. Now, lets see, do I take a left here? Or was it a right? I wish Alaki would've actually taken the time to show me these paths. He arrived sometime later at the mouth of a cave, wondering if this is the place everyone else in the pack lives at. Either this is a random cave and I'm late to the meeting, or it's the right cave and I'm on time.

He walked cautiously in, not wanting to end up on the wrong side of whatever lives in there. The more he traveled into the cavern, the larger it became. As the light from the outside grew dimmer, torches were placed on the walls. That's a sure sign that somebody lives here. He poked his head thorough an opening to see a group of wolves gathered. Right cave, but late. Go figure. He spotted familiar faces like Malakai and that red-haired girl from that Rast ceremony he attended awhile back. And next to a golden-hair wolf was Charm, that incredibly nice wolf he met at the same Rast ceremony. And that must be her mate, the Atheed Aeron. We live so close to each other yet I've never seen her. At least I don't think I have. He thought as he took a more submissive posture. He saw another golden furred wolf sitting against the back wall, so he followed suit and leaned against the wall behind him. He stood quietly as the Atheed-no, Angela- explained the reason for the summons. Naniko and Alaki are...gone? That peice of news hit him like a rock to the face. The rock solid Angelo and passive aggresive Angela left, leaving Aeron in charge. I can't believe it...They just uped and left? He stood raptured until she finished, undecided if she was telling the truth or not. The people I was supposed to respect like gods...just left us behind?

I have a feeling that some thing's won't be the same, for better or for worse. "Do you think their coming back?" He asked. Why the heck did I say that!?!! Yep, draw all the attention to yourself. You've outdid yourself wonderfully, even gone past the time Alaki almost killed you over a joke. Can't wait to see what you do next Lukos. Hmm, on second thought, maybe it's not so bad that he left. If only Naniko stayed. He looked around inconspicuously, sidestepping a couple yards to the right, hoping no one realized that it was him.

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