When the Souls of Shadows Reunite.
Thana returned Shadows kiss and listened quietly as he spoke. A large smile appeared on her face when she heard what he had to say. She had almost forgotten how sweet and loving he was. Hopefully she wouldn’t lose him again. I told you what I want Shadow Sier, I want you. I want to be your mate. I don’t want us to be separated again.

Her arms wrapped around him tightly, holding him close to her until he leaned in to bite her neck. Thana responded by biting into his neck as well, biting just hard enough to break the skin, allowing her to taste his blood. Hearing the words that came from his lips, Thana remembered a similar vow that members of her birth pack would say when taking a mate. By blood, life, and soul, I join with you as lovers and will forever be yours and only yours until my last breath. It probably didn’t count as them actually becoming mates since Zalen hadn’t approved it but at least they both knew they would always be together.

Shadow seemed to be very talkative today but she supposed that was understandable since they had just gotten back together, kind of. I have no need to look for love anywhere else as long as I have you Shadow. You are the only one I need. Unfortunately, you were not my only, but you were my first, well the first that wasn’t forced on me, and you will be my last. There will never be another, even if something unfortunate happens that takes you from me. Ever since I met you, I knew you were the only one who could hold my heart. As it turns out, you’re the only one who has and the only one who ever will.

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